
Live broadcast from Hong Kong

HKU Fight COVID-19 members have been producing original live broadcast, podcast, reports and videos on COVID-19 pandemic to the public, with the support of faculties and schools. Our works have spread on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

Live dialogue with Dr Janice Johnston, Deputy Director (Education) of School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong. She will share her insights on Public Health Education and Covid-19 and take your questions from around the world.

Live dialogue with Professor Daniel Chua, Chair Professor of Music at The University of Hong Kong. He will share his insights on Music for Hope and Healing and take your questions from around the world.

Live dialogue with Professor Douglas Arner, Kerry Holdings Professor in Law at The University of Hong Kong. He will share his insights on COVID-19 and the FinTech Transformation and take your questions from around the world.

Live dialogue with Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) at The University of Hong Kong. He will share his insights on “How we teach, learn and stay safe” in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic and take your questions from around the world.

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Podcast COVID19 with HKU

The novel coronavirus COVID19 pandemic has hit the world like a bombshell. But it’s not the first coronavirus to hit Asia. In 2003, the SARS coronavirus brought Hong Kong to a standstill, but medical and research centres like The University of Hong Kong (HKU) led the efforts to bring the deadly epidemic to an end. Now they are leading the charge to fight COVID19. Ten episodes walk you through the leading research coming out of HKU about this global pandemic.

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